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Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites, France: To increase investments with Social and Environmental Impact

19 Feb 2018

According to the most recent reporting(February 2018),  Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites in France will  increase its investments with social and environmental impact  and will increase   the decarbonisation of its portfolio.  In the previous year,   FRR has continued its strong commitment to the financing of the French economy. More than one billion euros have been committed to the financing of the French economy in unlisted assets, in particular following the allocation of the mandates of debt funds for EUR600 million and private equity mandates in funds of funds for EUR350 million. At the same time, the FRR continued to invest directly in groups, in particular in two infrastructure funds for EUR45 million each. The FRR's commitment will continue in 2018 with the constitution of dedicated capital funds innovation and the allocation of mandates for development capital funds, call for tenders currently underway. The FRR will also continue to invest directly in group funds.

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