Questions & Answers


1. What sources does PensionMandate utilize?
PensionMandate makes use of a combination of sources ranging from human research to automation tools in order to monitor institutional investors’ activity. If you need additional details about our methodology, we will be happy to discuss with you in person.
2. Do you get information from any other similar platform?
No. PensionMandate is an independent service which undertakes its own research and owns its proprietary database.
3. How is the content delivered?
Information is delivered in electronic format (email or web-based according to the type of subscription). If you are a full-access subscriber you receive emails in real-time and full form, and you can read them in your inbox or export/download them in PDF format via your inbox. As a subscriber, you can access our password-protected website where all these alerts (together with historical data and a database of institutional investor profiles) are posted.
If you are not a full-access subscriber, you can access alerts via the pay-per-view system. After you pay for the alert, you get access to a link where you can download the information in PDF format.
4. Can the information we receive be customized? Is the database searchable?
As a full-access subscriber, you can customize the types of emails you receive using our online interface. Also, you can apply advanced search filters to select the type of information which most interests you.
5. Is the data provided unique? Is there any overlap?
Part of the data we provide might be delivered by other services too. However, as an independent service, we conduct our own research and we have data which is not present in other databases. Moreover, we are quicker and less expensive.
6. Which geographical regions does PensionMandate cover?
PensionMandate has global coverage and reach. We do not restrict ourselves to covering a certain region only. If we spot an opportunity somewhere, we will report it. Specifically, the monitoring of institutional investors' activity spans Europe, Americas and Asia, covering countries like The United Kingdom, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Austria, United States and Canada. To get a clearer picture, please refer to our database statistics at:
7. Which asset classes does PensionMandate cover?
PensionMandate offers information about the main asset classes like Equities, Bonds and Real Estate, but also covers the Alternatives ones such as Hedge Funds, Infrastructure, Absolute Return, Currency Management, Diversified Growth Funds, Timber, Commodities, Private Equity, etc. More information can be found at:
8. Does PensionMandate have a database of investor profiles?
Yes. The platform contains a large database of worldwide institutional investor profiles such as pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, foundations, endowments, etc. The profiles contain information about the strategic asset allocations, current mandates, key contacts, recent activity and historical data.
9. Does PensionMandate have data about corporate pension funds?
Yes. Even if the corporate pension funds are traditionally less transparent than the public sector ones, PensionMandate makes an effort to also cover this area by contacting corporate pension funds directly.
10. Does PensionMandate have a database of consultants?
Yes. We have a database of investment consultant profiles including data about their key personnel, contact details, their institutional clients and the events related to their clients.
11. Can the database information be exported?
On top of being able to easily navigate through the online interface, you can export the data in Excel and PDF formats.
12. What kind of information do the Alerts consist of?
The full form alerts comprise of key pieces of information adapted according to the status of the mandate being investigated (tender, potential, underperforming, completed, etc.). More specifically, the alerts serve as a bridge between institutional investors and asset managers by providing details on the type and size of the mandate, its minimum requirements, the key people involved as well as the asset allocation of the fund. On a case-by-case basis, the alerts may be complemented by official documents attached to them.
13. Can we obtain more information about an alert before purchasing it?
Yes. PensionMandate enables asset managers to opt for a monitoring subscription before making a purchasing decision. This hybrid option offers a 25% discount off the amount charged per year (GBP750+VAT) on all alerts purchased through it. For the formal RFPs/manager searches, the minimum requirements are disclosed on par with the country of the investor, the deadline and the size of the mandate (if all these are available).
14. What does the mandate database contain?
It provides information about the collaboration between a certain investor and an asset management firm, thus offering insights not only into current mandates, but also past and potential ones as well as their outcome.
15. What other kind of information besides official tenders/RFPs do you offer?
PensionMandate monitors a plethora of other events regarding institutional investors, from changes in strategies to changes in in-house personnel. Please refer to our complete list at:

Pricing and Clients

1. Who uses PensionMandate?
The range of users includes research analysts, marketing managers, business development directors and partners.
2. Do you sell data to providers other than Asset Management firms?
No. PensionMandate’s content is intended solely for the use of asset managers. We cannot distribute our content to third party providers (marketing firms, placement firms, etc.).
3. Which is the best subscription option for a small to mid-sized asset manager?
For asset managers without a large data-gathering team, our service can act as an outsourced institutional market research unit which is expensive to run internally. A long-term relationship with PensionMandate is the most cost-efficient solution.
4. Which is the best subscription option for large asset managers with more than one office and more than one asset class under management?
As a large manager will want a consistent coverage in terms of geographies and asset classes and will try to chase a large number of opportunities, our data flow will feed its need for more, unknown sales leads. A full-access subscription covering all asset classes is the best solution.
5. Which is the best subscription option for a very small niche-focused asset management firm?
If you believe you will use our sales leads occasionally and you do not want to use our more complex database, you can opt of a pay-per-view solution.
6. Where can I find a list of price ranges?
For a comprehensive price list, please refer to:


1. How can we pay?
Broadly speaking, PensionMandate accepts any type of payment method.
Pay-per-view: If you follow the link related to the alert you wish to purchase, you can pay in seconds by card (via the Stripe system) or by PayPal and get the alert data instantly. If you cannot use Stripe or PayPal, you can also pay by bank transfer. Please let us know if you need us to invoice you first.
Subscriptions: PensionMandate can invoice you and you can pay by bank transfer. Alternatively, you can pay by card via a link we create for you.
If you prefer a payment method which is not listed here or your internal procedures require a different approach, please contact us to discuss the best way to proceed.
2. We tried to pay and we encountered an error, and we do not know whether the transaction went through. What should we do?
A successful payment will automatically generate a confirmation email, whereas a failed transaction will be reported by the system. If you do not receive any notification, it is almost sure that the payment has not been made. To clarify this, please call us or send us an email and we will investigate the issue.
3. We have tried to pay and the transaction has been declined. What should we do?
In most of the cases, this is caused by a form filling error and it is kindly recommended to repeat the process.
If this is not the case, it is highly probable that your card issuer declined the transaction due to security reasons (if you have not used the card for similar payments, similar amounts etc., it might look suspicious to the card issuer’s automatic system). You should contact the card issuer to confirm that you have tried to make a payment that is legitimate.


1. What is PensionMandate?
PensionMandate is a business intelligence database dedicated to the business development and marketing departments within the Asset Management firms. We deliver real-time information about institutional asset allocation events. PensionMandate is a sales lead generator combined with a database of investors, consultants, mandates and key contacts.
2. We want to know more about PensionMandate. What should we do?
PensionMandate team is happy to provide more details by meeting with you in person, giving you a demo via screen-sharing tools like WebEx or TeamViewer, discussing over the phone or answering emails in the same day.
3. What are the benefits of having access to PensionMandate’s content?
Asset managers obtain sales leads data that they are not aware of and they also reduce the time to get information about a certain opportunity. PensionMandate also helps asset managers to optimize their data-gathering processes and save costs.
4. What is different about PensionMandate?
Most of the similar products have a journalistic nature. We are an independent non-journalistic service. Most of the data provided by others is about completed searches or formal RFPs. We cover these types too, but our main focus is on other kinds of events influencing future manager selections. We deliver predictive intelligence to help asset managers prepare and act in advance. Our solution is user-friendly yet more complex than other classical databases. Additionally, we provide more flexibility than other services by offering both subscriptions and pay-per-view options.
5. How can we get access to the PensionMandate platform/content?
Our main line of business is to provide database subscriptions and develop long-term relationships with our clients. Alternatively, we distribute alerts on a pay-per-view basis.
6. Can we access the platform via a mobile device (mobile phone, tablet, iPad, etc.)?
Yes. The platform enables mobile access from devices using IOS or Android.
Please visit to download and install the latest PensionMandate App for IOS, and to get the Android App.
7. Does PensionMandate offer after-sales support?
Yes. Tech support is available once a sale occurs. You can contact us by email ( or by phone (+44 (0) 208 144 9983) to report any technical problem you have encountered.
8. How else can asset managers benefit from this service?
PensionMandate offers an alternative service called the Asset Manager Universe that enables asset managers to construct their own profiles (including a description of their investment products) in order to increase their visibility to institutional investors. The product data can be posted for free. For further details, this platform can be accessed at:
9. I’m having problems connecting to PensionMandate on my mobile device. What should I do?
If you are unable to access the webpage, please make sure that you have internet access by testing if you are able to browse the internet or contact your mobile provider. If the problem persists, please contact our tech support at

Do you have a question which in not covered in our FAQs?
Please contact us directly via phone or email.