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Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites, France: European ESG Small Cap Equities Manager Search -RFP

25 Apr 2018 - Expire Date: 25 May 2018

Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites in France issued a tender notice for an European ESG Small Cap Equities Manager Search.  FRR is looking for managers that provide    active management with exposure to European small cap stocks with the FTSE Developed Europe Small Cap Index or the MSCI Europe Small Cap Index. Investment universe composed of the listed companies making up the index selected as well as listed companies whose head office is located in one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland.  The maximum capitalization of companies in which the manager could invest outside the index is limited to EUR7000 million at the time of purchase.  The maximum ex-ante tracking error (or Tracking Error) is set at 10% per annum.  Active management refers to the implementation of investment decisions that induce different individual positions from those of the benchmark, with the aim of achieving a significant increase in performance.  FRR is looking to award up to 5 mandates for this lot. 


Questions may be addressed at  .

Deadline: 25.05.2018

Initial Alert- 19.02.2018


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